in Plant Kingdom by

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Liverworts are thallose and leafy bryophytes. They are found in the temperate forest and on the shades. The gametophytic generation is prominent which flat, ribbon like with rhizoids is. The plant body carries out photosynthesis. Sporophyte is a spherical structure which grows parasitic on the gametophytic plant body. Examples: Riccia, Marchantia.

In the mosses the gametophytic generation is the prominent one. It has a simple stem and root like rhizoids and leaf. The gametophyte is an independent organism. The gametophytic when attains maturity develops the male and the female sex organs at the tip of the stem. It after syngamy produces the zygote which later give rise to the diploid sporophyte. The sporophyte lives as a parasite on the gametophytic plant body. The sporophyte bears the capsule which produces haploid spores. These spores under favourable condition form the green filamentous protonema which grows to stem of gametophyte. Examples: Funaria, Sphagnum.

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