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NEET Biology

NEET Biology - Explore the e-book

A highly recommended Questions and Answers help forum for NEET Biology, maintained by a team of esteemed authors.

Questions raised by Lifeeasy Authors are based on NCERT books of class 11 and 12 and NEET UG Biology Syllabus

On the face of the following facts which state that:

  • NEET UG for admissions into MBBS/BDS will have MCQ pattern of questions (single response)
  • It is a single window common entrance test for all MBBS/BDS aspirants
  • There is a common syllabus throughout the country for the entrance examination.
  • 45 MCQs each from physics, chemistry, botany and zoology

we have set a vision of allowing students to access free study material so far as Biology for NEET is concerned.

The 21st Century education system can't be imagined without Wikipedia, e-learning, e-books, virtual classroom programs and so on.
However when there is a commercial aspect attached with a certain learning system it controls the access of every deserving students. On the contrary of this fact why not have something free for all, so that everybody can have access and associate to it. And here exists the foundation and success of our Help forum for BIOLOGY.
This question and answer help forum for biology enables you to have free right to raise biology questions and get their responses from 1) our authors who are associated with us voluntarily, 2) teachers 3) your contemporaries and from 4) other like-minded persons as well.
Importance of this Biology Help Forum:
When already there is so much of information pertaining to your biology studies is available across thousands of websites, how could this platform help you?
Of course this is a big question. And to answer this let me ask you few more questions:
1. Is the information over internet always specific and accurate to what you are looking for?
3. Are they all free?
2. Does your book always provide accurate information?
3. What about the idea of interaction and interpretation on a specific biology concept.
4. Thanks to NCERT and some other state boards for providing e-books for free. But that is not enough for your study preparation, specifically when you are fighting for an All India level entrance.

Step in, Navigate through thousands of biology questions already answered in our help forum. Your participation is to 1) ask questions, 2) answer questions 3) post your comments 4) vote the answers to show the authentication and sustainability of the answer

This help forum for Biology is highly recommended for the following categories of students:

Biology Question Bank:

Biology for Class 11 and Class 12

Biology for NEET UG Aspirants - (Undergraduate Medical Entrance)

All Biology Lovers

The questions have been divided into the following major categories.

Biology Questions and Answers for Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12 students, Junior and Senior High Schools, Junior Colleges, Undergraduate biology programs and Medical Entrance exams.