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123 × biotechnology-principles-and-process 121 × photosynthesis 115 × plant-anatomy 104 × plant-kingdom 97 × cardiovascular-system 97 × human-reproduction 95 × sexual-reproduction-in-flowering-plants 89 × plant-respiration 89 × algae 85 × transport-in-plants 83 × morphology-of-flowering-plants 79 × evolution 74 × application-of-biotechnology 71 × nervous-system 69 × fungi 66 × plant-tissues 65 × plant-growth-and-development 64 × biomolecules-structures-functions 64 × flowers 60 × cell-as-a-unit-of-life 55 × endocrine-system 54 × molecular-basis-of-inheritance 53 × cell-cycle-and-cell-division 50 × microbes-in-human-welfare 50 × bacteria 50 × virus 47 × plant-life-cycles 46 × enzyme 44 × cell-structure-and-function 43 × circulatory-system 43 × skeletal-system 42 × respiratory-system 40 × heredity-and-variation 38 × genetic crosses 37 × plant-cells 35 × plant metabolism 34 × human-health-and-disease 32 × improvement-in-food-production 30 × diversity-of-life 29 × lichens 29 × animal-kingdom 29 × urinary-system 28 × digestion-and-absorption 27 × water in plants 27 × mendels-legacy 27 × hiv-and-aids 27 × the-chemistry-of-life 26 × cell membrane 26 × ecosystem 25 × human respiratory system glossary 25 × human respiratory system 25 × respiratory system 25 × human digestive system glossary 25 × human digestive system 25 × digestive system 25 × human nervous system 24 × human nervous system glossary 24 × plant-mineral-nutrition 22 × human muscular system glossary 22 × human muscular system
Biology Questions and Answers for Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12 students, Junior and Senior High Schools, Junior Colleges, Undergraduate biology programs and Medical Entrance exams.